Pulsar dB Transducer ultrasonic level sensors
Pulsar dB Transducer ultrasonic level sensors
The dB Transducer series from Pulsar Measurement is a range of level sensors for wastewater and industrial environments. Ranging from 3 m (9.8 ft) to 40 m (131.2 ft) all of our ultrasonic level sensors provide a reliable level, volume, open channel flow, pump control, and differential level measurement for both liquid and solid applications.
All the dB Ultrasonic Transducers from Pulsar Measurement feature unique DATEM Technology, found only in Pulsar Measurement level sensors. Digital Adaptive Tracking of Echo Movement (DATEM) is an echo discrimination system that works on the basis that it identifies the true moving echo from the background noise, then follows it, ignoring all the competing echoes as it does. This allows level sensors from Pulsar Measurement to work in cluttered sewage wet wells, a noisy stone silo, an agitated tank, or even through a safety grid. DATEM also looks for echoes within a very small frequency range, which helps to make it especially good at ignoring both acoustic and electrical noise.
The high power of the dB Ultrasonic Transducer range makes sure that all the echoes from an application can be easily monitored. The result is a highly reliable level measurement in applications that previously could not be considered. Thanks to DATEM Technology, the effective beam angle of our dB and dBi ultrasonic sensors is typically as small as 3 degrees.
The non-contacting design of the dB ultrasonic level sensors means they can be fitted with zero interruption to service, and there’s no time-consuming maintenance needed, providing highly accurate non-contacting level measurement. The ultrasonic level sensor range from Pulsar Measurement is available with multiple options, including submergence shields, PVDF and intrinsically safe versions for sensors mounted in hazardous locations, and many more!
Submergence shields are useful to keep the face of the transducer clean in applications where the sensor is likely to get submerged. In case of submergence, the controller can be asked to fail high, low, or hold the last reading. When the level drops back below the shield, it allows the controller to resume operation with a clean transducer face.
All dB transducers are retrofittable with the entire Pulsar Measurement controller range, so when the needs of your measurement change, your system won't have to.