Pulsar PDFM 5.1
Pulsar PDFM 5.1
The ultrasonic Doppler technology used by the PDFM 5.1 makes it perfect for use as a water flow meter, specifically for dirty or difficult liquids that contain bubbles or solids, like wastewater, slurries, sludge, chemicals, viscous liquids, and abrasives.
The PDFM 5.1 Portable Doppler Flow Meter is a portable flow meter that clamps to the outside of a pipe to gain pipe flow measurement. The ultrasonic Doppler technology used by the PDFM 5.1 makes it perfect for use as a water flow meter, specifically for dirty or difficult liquids that contain bubbles or solids, like wastewater, slurries, sludge, chemicals, viscous liquids, and abrasives.
The PDFM 5.1 is ideal for evaluating system performance and can be installed, calibrated, and started up in minutes. Use this flow meter where a permanent flow meter is not required, or temporarily replace installed flow meters. Fast and easy to operate, the sensor mounts to the outside of a pipe in less than a minute, using the built-in keypad and calibration menu to set up the flowmeter for the application.
With its internal battery, the PDFM 5.1 will operate all day and recharge overnight. For continuous use, it can be powered by a supplied 110-240 V AC wall plug adapter or use Sleep Mode to only wake up the meter to take a measurement periodically, extending battery life. A 300,000-point data logger is built into the unit.
Display units can be selected by the user, and the PDFM 5.1 Portable Doppler Flow Meter will display and totalize flow in gallons, liters, cubic feet, or cubic meters. If you change from one measurement system to another, the PDFM 5.1 will automatically and instantly calculate and convert the total flow display and totalizer. Calibrate to the pipe size using the keypad to enter the inside diameter.
The 4-20mA output featured on the unit allows you to use the PDFM 5.1 Portable Doppler Flow Meter in critical applications. Ideal applications for this ultrasonic flow meter, with a non-contacting clamp-on ultrasonic sensor include influent and effluent pipe flow, industrial pipe flows, irrigation flows, food and beverage manufacturers, pharmaceutical processes, and many more!