Cube-manager has been developed to work on desktop computers running Microsoft Windows and it implements the tools to download, to manage and to process the data acquired with one of the mobile solutions.
Using this software, you can integrate mixed GNSS RTK and Total Station data, process Raw GNSS data in different ways, import and export the data from and to the most popular known formats.
This software will help operators providing the best functions for data transferring, graphical visualization and analytical data processing.
The software is composed of various optional modules and a free version (Cube-link).
Cube-manager is a software for managing data from GNSS
receivers and Total Stations, it is composed of 3 main modules (P, T, M), each one specialized in a series of functions. Among the functions shared by all the modules, you can have plano-altimetric elaborations, generate 3D models and calculate contour lines.
The measurements can be displayed in 2D, 3D and superimposed on raster, satellite or cadastral images. Through a sophisticated internal CAD, you can interact with the data using powerful and complete drawing tools and snap functions, even in 3D. Importing and exporting data are supported in various formats such as DXF, DWG, KML, CSV and others.